December Company Update
Announcement – FinTech Automation Selects ForwardAI to Provide Seamless Access to Accounting Data for Financial Institutions
In October, ForwardAI was excited to announce our partnership with FinTech Automation right before Money20/20. Through the partnership, FinTech Automation can now provide seamless access to accounting data that is fully integrated with its cloud-native, API-driven core for fintechs, banks, and financial institutions.
Credit Union Times – 3 Strategies for Credit Unions to Compete in the Modern Banking Industry
ForwardAI CEO Nick Chandi discusses how credit unions can stay relevant, what strategies they can take to address their unique challenges, and how credit unions can keep up with the technologies transforming the banking landscape.
News – Introducing Forwardly by ForwardAI: A One-Stop Shop for Small Business Cash Flow Management
ForwardAI is thrilled to announce the launch of the new Forwardly app - a free solution for small business cash flow management designed for both small business owners and accountants.
Reminder: Precise API V1 has been fully deprecated
The Precise API V1 is no longer available as of November 30th, 2022. Clients who haven’t transitioned to V2 are strongly encouraged to make the switch immediately.
Precise has transitioned to a more robust, tested, and faster API to better support our clients. If you are curious about how our solutions can help you access, monitor, and manage small business accounting data, reach out to our sales team today.
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Industry News and Reports
LinkedIn: Fintech leaders on the trends and companies to know now
Learn about what industry leaders like ForwardAI CEO Nick Chandi and executives from American Express, FIS, Wells Fargo, Mastercard, Google, Backbase, Airwallax, and many more are saying about the trends in the financial landscape. Common Trends in Modern Small Business Cash Flow
Read more on what Nick Chandi says about cash flow challenges among small businesses, how technology is changing how SMBs manage cash flow, and how businesses can capitalize on new opportunities with new technology.
The Fintech Times: Fintech Trends in 2022
See what fintech leaders like Nick Chandi are thinking, what are the major trends they have seen in 2022, and what are some of the biggest changes to watch for in the coming years.
More Content
- Forbes: How Small-Business Owners Can Help Cork Cashflow Problems
- Breaking Banks Podcast: Rapping Up M20/20 ’22